Dying In Your Arms

by Trivium

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:35 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author


Tabbed by

Bar 78 of Corey's solo by JLuna103 (^_^)


1st → Matt
2nd → Harmony Fills
3rd → Corey
4th → Travis
5th → Paolo
6th → Piano 2
7th → Piano 1
8th → Vocals/Extra guitar

File Size

76 KB




*The drums are near enough perfect, about the same accuracy as my LLTTF tab's drums. *Finally, the solo has been done. It's 99% accurate. Thanks to JLuna103 for making me get off my arse to finish it! :p *I've changed the layout for the solo, if there's 3 harmonies going on I've separated them all into a different track. *If you're going to steal this solo, make sure you credit me as well. My favourite song from the new album. Enjoy! Bar 78 of Corey's solo by JLuna103 - You rock thanks to StarscreamCarcass for the tab, best i have seen for this song, i just added the vocals over it